Digital Grampanchayat

by RVScript Systems (OPC) Pvt. Ltd.



This application is a small step by us to make Indian villages digital. We allow villages to register with us to share the different government schemes, news, and village information including businesses in the village, schools and hospitals information, agricultural videos, and many more. This platform also allows farmers or other people to sell or buy goods from each other.Technology for Human Well-Being!Disclaimer:We are not the official partner of the Government but those gram panchayats who want to connect to our platform can connect. We just provide information to the user which is available in the public domain and updated by the enrolled gram panchayat on this digital gram panchayat platform.All the information and website links are available in the public domain and can be used by users. We do not own any website available in-app.this application is developed as a public service to help Indian residents to find and manage their digital service in their rural areas.We only provide information to readers and visitors that are available in the following government public domains.Sources:1. News is aggregated from various news portals such as,,, etc, and all sources are mentioned in the news and redirected to their websites once they click on the news title. 2. Market rate information is sourced through MSAMB ( 3. Government schemes are sourced from - - - -